Misty Programming Language:Programs

Misty has direct support for actors. Actors run independently and concurrently. Actors communicate by sending messages. Every actor has its own memory space. Actors do not share memory. Every actor runs an executable. An executable is made from a program, zero or more modules, and a build specification.

A program can use modules. Many programs can work productively together.

misty "misty" space misty_type space name more_statements linebreak "end" space name

misty_type "program" "module"

Every program has an actor object called @at sign that contains the private address of the actor itself and other powerful capabilities. An actor can pass actor address objects (including an attenuated version of @) as inputs to functions or in messages to other actors. If an actor can acquire the actor address object of another actor, then it can send messages to it. Messages may contain numbers, texts, records, arrays, logicals, blobs, and actor address objects.

An attenuated @ object is produced when @ is on the right side of an assign statement, or when @ is passed an input value to a function, or when @ is included in an array literal or record literal. An attenuated @ object contains the private address of the actor.

Misty programs are organized into source files. There are two types of Misty source files:

A module is a chunk of independent program. These can be used to build reusable libraries. The body of the module contains a string of statements. The statements in the body may not include do, although a body may contain functions which can include do.

The last statement in a module is a return statement, which usually returns a function or a record containing functions. That return value is bound to the name in a use statement. A program file does not end with a return statement.

When an actor is started, the statements in the program file are executed. The statements should start the execution of the actor, which usually involves the setting of a receiver so that the actor can receive messages. Other sorts of initialization may take place as well.

The program can pull in code from the module library with the use statement. A module executes its body, as a function does, and returns a value that is bound to the name in the use statement. Typically, it will return a constructor function, but it can also return a record of functions. The return value is stone.

Modules can also contain use statements. It is possible that two or more use statements might reference the same module. Should this occur, the module is executed once. A single stone module product is shared by all uses.

If two actors reference the same module, the module is executed twice. Actors never share memory.

Modules can not have cyclical dependences. Module a can not use module b if module b uses module a.

In this example, the example program imports the app_master_2000 module, and designates its handler function as the receiver of messages for the actor.

misty program example

use app: "app_master_2000"
call @.receiver(app.handler)

end example

Actors are started with the @.new(program) method. An actor that starts another actor is called an overling. An actor started by an overling is called an underling. An actor can be a underling to one actor and an overling to many others.

Communication between actors happens exclusively with messages.

Messages are usually transmitted over some sort of connection.

The name of a program or module can contain an endowment of values provided at the time the program is built. So if the example program is endowed with a superpower, the superpower can be accessed as example.superpower.

Process object

An actor address object contains the information needed to communicate with an actor. An actor object can be transmitted to other actors, even on other machines.

An actor address object is an immutable black box. It can be used in a send statement to send a message to the actor associated with the actor address object. Process address objects can be sent to other actors, giving them the capability to also send messages to the actor associated with the actor address object.

None of the contents of the actor object are visible or accessible.


actor?(@)                         # true
actor?(my_process)                # true
record?(my_process)               # false
stone?(my_process)                # true
my_process = my_process           # true
my_process = your_process         # false (probably)

The actor? function


The actor? function gives true if the value is an actor address object.

Process lifecycle

An actor is created by another actor by @.new(program) which returns a new private address object. Over its existence, an actor will receive messages, which may cause it to change its state and send messages.

When an actor stops, it will no longer send or receive messages. Ultimately, there are five ways that an actor stops:


An actor can stop itself by calling @.halt(). It may do this as a result of being told to do so by its overling or another trusted actor, or because it has fulfilled its purpose. Any messages sent in this final turn is put into the outgoing queue.


If an explicit or implicit disrupt occurs that is not handled, then the actor stops. Any messages sent in this final turn will not be put into the outgoing queue.


An overling actor may stop a underling by calling @.stop(underling). If the underling actor is in the middle of executing a turn when it is stopped, any messages sent in that final turn will not be put into the outgoing queue.


If an actor is coupled to an actor that stops, then it also stops. An actor can couple itself to another actor by calling @.couple(actor). Every actor is automatically coupled to its overling.


The system crashes, or an earthquake disables the data center, or there is a nuclear sneak attack, or a software bug. Surviving actors will probably not be immediately notified of the disaster.


Actors communicate using messages only.

Incoming messages are queued by the Misty system and delivered in arrival order. The exceptions are system level messages like the stop message, which, if valid, will cause an actor to immediately stop, even if there are undelivered messages waiting for it in the queue.

Some messages can be used to reply to the original sender of the message.

receiver function

The receiver method is given a callback function that will receive the actor's messages. The callback function will receive a single input value, the message object. The callback function will not be given reply messages.

@ Methods

The @ object is only available in misty program files. The @ object is not available in misty module files, although the attenuated actor object and some of the @ methods can be passed in. The @ object may contain these methods: clock, connection, contact, couple, delay, garbage, greeter, halt, new, random, random_bits, receiver, stop.

clock method


The clock method takes a function input value that will eventually be called with the current time in number form. See time.

connection method

@.connection(callback, actor, configuration)

The connection method takes a callback function, an actor object, and a configuration record for getting information about the status of a connection to the actor. The configuration record is used to request the sort of information that needs to be communicated. This can include latency, bandwidth, activity, congestion, cost, partitions. The callback is given a record containing the requested information.

contact method

@.contact(callback, record)

The contact method sends a message to a portal on another machine to obtain an actor object.

The callback is a function with a actor input and a reason input. If successful, actor is bound to an actor object. If not successful, actor is null and reason may contain an explanation.

The record can contain:

couple method


The couple method causes this actor to stop when another actor stops. The couple method returns null.

call @.couple(sponsor)

delay method

@.delay(function, seconds)

The delay method is used to schedule the invocation of a function at a later time. Any value returned from the delayed invocation is ignored. There is no guarantee that the function will ever be invoked. The delayed invocation will not interrupt normal processing. The invocation is delayed until the actor is waiting for a message. The delay method returns null.

The delay function immediately returns a cancel function. Calling the cancel function will cancel the delayed execution of the function, if it is not too late.

The seconds input speicifies when the invocation will occur, no sooner than seconds seconds after now. The seconds input must be a non-negative number or null which behaves as 0.

call @.delay(continuation, 0.1) 

garbage method


The garbage method registers a function that will receive a message informing the actor that it has probably become unreachable and useless. The actor should finish its work and then @.halt(). The garbage method returns null.

halt method


The halt method allows an actor to stop itself. This usually happens when it has completed its work. Any messages sent in this final turn are put into the outgoing queue. The halt method does not return.

new method

@.new(callback, program, configuration)

The new function creates a new actor. The callback function receives messages about the new actor, starting with a message containing the new actors address object.

The program text identifies the executable in the program shop that the new actor runs.

The configuration record contains fields having the names of the @ methods. If the field's value is true, then the new actor will have that method in its own @ object. So, if the configuration contains a contact field that is true, then the new actor is allowed to contact portals to obtain actor address objects. However, if the overling does not have access to the method itself, it can not make it available to the underling.

The configuation record can also contain constants and actor address records that are put into the new actors @ record.

The current actor is the overling of the new actor, and it is notified when the new actor stops. The new actor is an underling of the current actor.


call @.new(
        contact: true
        couple: true
        greeter: false
        keys: fresh_key_pair
        new: true
        overling: @
        receiver: true

portal method

@.portal(function, port)

A portal is a special actor with a public address that performs introduction services. It listens on a specified port for contacts by external actors that need to acquire an actor object. The function will receive the record containing the request. The record can have a reply sent through it. A portal can respond by beginning a new actor, or finding an existing actor, or by forwarding the contact message to another actor. This is how distributed Misty networks are bootstrapped. The portal method returns null.

random functions


The random function returns a number between 0 and 1. There is aq 50% chance that the result is less than 0.5.


The random_fit function returns an integer in the range -36028797018963968 thru 36028797018963967 that contains 56 random bits. See fit.

receiver method


The receiver method registers a function that will receive all messages sent to the actor except for delay events, reply messages (which are sent to the send callback), and greeter contact messages. The receiver method returns null.

stop method


The stop method stops an underling. The stop method returns null.

Process Data Structures

Process Address Object

An actor object is used with the send statement. It contains an actor's private address. A message may contain actor address objects, which will give the recipient actor the capability to send messages to those actors at the private addresses.

There are three ways that an actor can obtain the actor address object of another actor:

Message object

A message object is obtained from the callback function that is registered with @.receiver. It acts like an ordinary record.

When a message is sent using the callback form, the message may be used once as an actor's private address for transmitting the reply.


Computation takes place in an actor in a fragment of time called a turn. A turn starts with the receiving of a message. A function (such as the function registered with @.receive, @.greeter, @.clock, or a delay callback function) will run to completion. Any outgoing messages are held until the turn completes successfully, at which time they go into the outgoing queue and are sent.

An actor will not receive another message until the turn ends. Each turn will process exactly one message.

If a machine has multiple computation units, then it is possible for multiple turns of multiple actors to be going on simultaneously. Turns can be timesliced. There are no concurrency issues because actors do not share memory. They communicate with other actors and the world only by message passing.


The name of a program or module can contain endowed constants. These constants can be used to customize a program. The constants are accessed by the .period operator. The endowment constants can be specified when the program executable is produced.

misty program example
if example.test
    # stuff that executes if test is true
    # stuff that execute if test is false
end example


A log service is built into Misty for the chronicalling of errors and and mishaps. See the log statement.



Fail to a known condition.

In distributed systems, we can not be certain of failure. Failure may be presumed.

Failure is always an option.